Polyphonic Spree @ Great Northern Hotel, Byron Bay (Mon 24 Jan 2005)

went to this 20 years ago

The Polyphonic Spree had played the 2005 Big Day Out, which I didn’t go to. Me and my flatmate, Cheese, were keen to see them, so we headed down to Byron for their only show that was ‘close’ to Brisbane.

The Great Northern is a fabulous room, and was perfect for these chaps (and chapettes). I really wan’t sure if I was going to enjoy a live show. As much as I really liked their album (the name of which eludes me), I couldn never listen to the whole thing in one sitting. It just got a bit ‘same same’.

Thankfuly, the live show didn’t. The stage theatrics were great, often hilarious, and extremely well done. I reckon there were about 25 people on stage at points throughout the show. They were tight, the sound was great, and the drive home after the show was long.

Did you see Polyphonic Spree @ Great Northern Hotel, Byron Bay (Mon 24 Jan 2005)? Tell us about it

went to this 20 years ago