Faith No More @ Festival Hall, Brisbane (Mon 26 Apr 1993)

went to this 31 years ago

I really don’t remember much of the Faith No More show.

Scarymother were supporting, and I remember they blew FNM off stage. Their album Tai Laeo was on high rotation in the share house I was living in at the time. It was an amazing album (still is) and it’s such a shame they only ever released the one record.

I saw Scarymother a few times after that- one of the shows was at St Paul’s Tavern in Brissie. Can’t find any of their old dates online though. Bummer.

If you don’t know Scarymother, check this out:

Did you see Faith No More @ Festival Hall, Brisbane (Mon 26 Apr 1993)? Tell us about it

went to this 31 years ago