St Vincent @ Howler, Melbourne (Fri 23 May 2014)

went to this 10 years ago

That bone structure.

Although I’ve never been a huge St Vincent fan, I can definitely appreciate why people are. The last time we saw her was when she toured with David Byrne early last year.

St Vincent- Howler, Melbourne

St. Vincent Setlist Howler, Melbourne, Australia 2014

Tonight’s gig was bloody warm- a surprise considering it was late May in Melbourne.

Her band certainly had the chops- her keyboard player looked familiar- although not sure where from. He may well have been playing in the David Byrne/St Vincent gig from last year. The drummer had a great style- and definitely seemed to have a big part in the song-writing process. I could be wrong about that, but many of the musical moves in the songs were definitely percussion inspired and seemed to come from him. He also used to be Jeff Buckley’s drummer, which is a thing.

Seeing as I’m writing this almost three months after the event, I can’t really comment more except to say that it was a damned fine show. There were moments that I was honestly hoping we were near the end, but that had more to do with the oppressive heat in the venue than the music.

Anyway- that’s enough about that.

Did you see St Vincent @ Howler, Melbourne (Fri 23 May 2014)? Tell us about it

went to this 10 years ago